2018-09-28 11:51:18

Tjedan svemira

Dragi učenici,

približava nam se Svjetski tjedan svemira, a isti ćemo i ove godine obilježeti nizom zanimljivih aktivnosti.
Pozivamo vas da u ponedjeljak (1. listopada, školska dvorana, 13 sati) popratite predavanje ,,Život u orbiti''. Predavač će biti Goran Nikolašević, poznati stručnjak na tom području.

Naslov predavanja djeluje uistinu obećavajuće!

Ukoliko vas sve ovo nije zaintrigiralo, u nastavlku pročitajte životopis gospodna Nikolaševića, a usput ćete i ispitati svoje poznavanje engleskog jezika.

Goran Nikolasevic is aeronautical technical specialist, with background in mathematics, IT, economics and astronautics. Goran is an entrepreneur, inventor, and long-time space advocate. He is prolific speaker about space in public, school, and media apearances. Prior professional experience includes application programming, banking, air-traffic control (13 years), and sales. He was editor of the radio show „Scientific expedition“, with themes related to space. His subjects of interest are astronautics, International Space Station, colonization of Mars and Earth observation (EO). Goran is a veteran of World Space Week Association, having served as National Coordinator for Croatia in 2012, as WSW Association’s National Coordinator Manager since 2013, as Operations Manager since January 2016, and as Executive Director since April 2017. Goran is also a member and head of WSWA delegation in UN OOSA/COPUOS, in Vienna. He was a member of the evaluation team in Odysseus I and II Contest in period since 2012 until 2017, supported by ESA and EU.

III. gimnazija Osijek